Dear colleagues, dear friends,

prof. Miloslav Rocek and prof. em. Rainer Rienmueller invite you to participate in the European Tutorial of Radiology in Prague / Czech Republic in the period of June 16th- 29th, 2024.

This Tutorial represents a continuation of the well-known, traditional Graz Tutorials of the ESR and ESOR, which was transferred from the Medical University Graz to the Medical Faculty of the Charles University in the Motol Hospital in Prague and renamed as Prague European Tutorial of RAdiology – PETRA.

With the experience of performing more than 40 radiological Tutorials in Graz and Prague, we could establish a well appreciated school for young radiologists from reform- and West European countries helping to enhance their practical and theoretical knowledge in all aspects of modern diagnostic and interventional radiology.

The main goal of these Tutorials is to give the participants the opportunity to take part in the real daily work in a busy multi-profile university hospital and to experience modern medical workflow and successful teamwork.

Lectures covering diagnostic and interventional radiology, the wide spectrum of radiological imaging methods and their validity in the daily clinical work, will be held by experienced speakers from the Czech Republic and various European and international centres of radiology. A further focus will be on the structure of “western” health care and medical insurance systems as well as quality management.

The multi-profile University hospital in Motol with 1700 adult and 700 paediatrics beds and a large number of out-patients is served by one centralized Department of Radiology (Director prof. Miloslav Rocek) which offers a 24 hour full service in all areas of diagnostic and interventional radiology.

The department is equipped with five MR- and several advanced CT-units, digital radiography and mammography, several digital angiographic and ultra-sonographic devices and PACS. As a University teaching hospital it employs high qualified staff in practical and scientific radiology.

The participants of the PETRA will also take part in clinical-radiological conferences in different fields of medicine to deepen the understanding of the role of interdisciplinary collaboration.

Each PETRA-guest should prepare one “interesting case” from her/his home institution to be presented (in five minutes) and to be discussed with the teachers and the audience in order to learn from each other and to help to solve difficult cases.

In addition, Prague offers a rich cultural life with theatres, musicals, opera, concert halls, exhibitions. The castles, parks, the river Vltava with wonderful places to stay, encourage by enjoying the famous Czech kitchen, the excellent Czech beer to cultivate old and to make new friendships.

Looking very much forward to seeing you in Prague,



Miloslav Rocek                                          Rainer Rienmueller

(Rocek.m.@seznam.cz)                               (rainer@rienmueller.net)

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